What is Shirataki?

Shirataki is the main ingredient of RAMEN Z noodles, which is made with Konjac

Konnyaku root and konnyaku | RAMEN Z

Konjac (konnayku in Japanese) is a common name for the East and Southeast Asian plant Amorphophallus konjac, which has an edible corm (bulbo-tuber). It is also known as konjaku, konnyaku potato, devil’s tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam.

Konjac is typically mottled grey and firmer in consistency than most gelatins. It has very little flavor; the common variety tastes vaguely like salt, usually with a slightly oceanic taste and smell (from the seaweed powder added to it, though some forms omit the seaweed). It is valued more for its texture than its flavor.

In Japanese cuisine, konjac appears in dishes such as oden and sukiyaki. Shirataki, or Ito Konnyaku, is a Japanese food consisting of konjac cut into noodle-like strips.

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konnyaku and shirataki | RAMEN Z

Konjac or shirataki noodles contain very few digestible carbs; but have a high concentration of glucomannan fiber. As a high-fiber food, it has been traditionally used as a constipation home remedy, a detoxification cleanses for the liver. It has also been known to maintain moisture in the skin, which is helpful for maintaining a youthful appearance.

RAMEN Z can be good alternative food for those people who follow a keto diet, a diabetic diet, or intermittent fasting.

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  • diabetic diet | RAMEN Z

    Ramen Z is a low carb alternative to ramen, and if you are diabetic, you know the importance of keeping your carbohydrates low. Most people don’t know that diabetes starts to affect your body long before the doctors tell you that your blood sugar is too high, you see, carbohydrates are NOT an essential part of nutrition. They will only delay your body’s natural response to bring everything to where it should be. Ramen Z tastes great, and there’s a whole host of recipe ideas on the website to make many varieties of your favorite low-carb ramen to keep it fresh. Keep your carbohydrates low and thrive. Your body will thank you.

    Diets recommended for diabetics typically avoid or reduce simple carbs, while maintaining a healthy nutritional balance. By incorporating RAMEN Z into your diet, you can reduce calories and fat and increase fiber without having to change the amount of food you eat. Moreover, RAMEN Z is chewy and filling, eliminating the need for snacking and maintaining nutritional balance. ScienceDirect and The National Center for Biotechnology Information found that glucomannan (which is the primary carbohydrate in RAMEN Z) made people with diabetes less likely to eat foods that could increase their blood sugar levels.

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  • weight management, diet, detox, loose weight | RAMEN Z

    Glucomannan, a dietary fiber usually made from the root of the konjac plant, reaches the intestines without being digested in the body and absorbs toxic substances and wastes in the intestines and removes them from the body with the stool, making konjac the best food for relieving constipation and diet.

    The National Center for Biotechnology Information found that the soluble dietary fiber supplement helped people overweight reduce their body weight.

  • Reduce cholesterol | RAMEN Z

    Water-soluble fiber is commonly used to support healthy cholesterol levels. Glucomannan slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and reduces cholesterol, thus helping to prevent diabetes and lifestyle-related diseases. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that administering konjac glucomannan significantly reduced total cholesterol levels, as well as “bad” cholesterol.

  • For healthy skin, dry skin, acne | RAMEN Z

    Konjac contains ceramide, which is said make the amount of moisture evaporating from the skin reduced, making it a good choice for people with dry skin. It is believed that eating ceramide is more effective than applying it. Scientific & Academic Publishing found that glucomannan may provide benefits as a topical therapy for acne, as well as improve overall skin health.

Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.